Feel God’s Love

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God says to you today, “I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!” Jer. 31:3 MSG

We’ve all heard that God is love and we are familiar with the song that says, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” But how many of us have taken the time to allow His love to really sink into our thinking, to permeate us so deeply that we actually experience it in a meaningful, life-altering way? Our heavenly Father wants this for us and He’s given us the Holy Spirit to make His love come alive in us. Don’t settle for merely knowing about His love; make it your quest to experience it too. Spend time in His presence pondering verses like the one above. Imagine yourself sitting across from Jesus and Him speaking the words to you directly. Allow yourself to feel that love filling up the empty places, enfolding you in His arms, healing areas that have been wounded. Wholeness is found in His love, and His love is a well that never runs dry. Drink deeply of it this very moment. His arms are open wide.

Betsy Williams


Healing Awaits


Playing it Safe