Healing Awaits

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Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings or offended another in some way? I have. We all have. Could be a family member, a friend, a coworker, someone we supervise.

For committed believers, these offenses are usually unintentional; nevertheless, it happens. When it does, some of the most healing words we can say are, “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” Then name the specific words or actions that were hurtful.

These words are very disarming and will go a long way in healing the hurt we have caused. We have no control over how the other individual responds, but it’s our responsibility to do our part.

Restoration is always the goal but sometimes the injured party needs time to process. Sometimes the person is unwilling to forgive. Either way, when we have done our part, we are to cast the care of the situation onto Jesus and entrust the person to the Holy Spirit to bring healing.

Then, we must let it go. It serves no purpose for us to beat ourselves up after we miss it. We need healing as well. Our gracious heavenly Father is waiting with open arms to cleanse and heal us from guilt, shame, and condemnation.

Soak up the Father’s love. Allow His peace to bubble up within you and restore your sense of well-being. Healing awaits you today. Will you receive it?

Betsy Williams


Living by God’s Wisdom and Design Laws Part 1


Feel God’s Love