Rooted in God’s Truth
The picture text is based on Psalm 1: 3 (TPT) and is a description of the person who meditates on God’s revelation through the Word. This is not a boring activity, but an amazing, wonderful and refreshing activity! I love it! The Psalm opens by declaring, “What delight to the one who follows God’s ways!” When we become hungry for the truth, we cannot help but grow. Our life circumstances won’t necessarily change overnight, but, believe me, they will change. Truth, as I see it, is the way God sees reality. It is the view and opinion of God. He shows us, not only the truth of who He is and who we are in union with Jesus, but also how to live successfully. When we meditate and search out truth, over time we will see our lives straighten out and become smooth and truly delightful. Communing with God through meditating on His truth and His ways keeps us watered and “never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous” (Psalm 1:3b, TPT). This place by the river is available to us, and if we will stay long enough to grow some serious roots, we will see some serious growth!
Love and appreciate you ladies! God has amazing things in store for us. I sense His pleasure and delight on you! And we can do this journey together – in community! (Can’t wait to see you face to face. It’s coming!)
Cecilie Croissant