Feel the Love of God


I don’t know of anything that has changed my life more than feeling the love of God. This is a love that absolutely never fails. When we encounter God, we are face to face with love, wisdom, faithfulness and goodness. When we sink our roots into that love, things change in our lives. A deep, deep trust and sense of security begin to shape and transform our inner world. We live out of a place within that is solid to the core. We learn to live with less and less fear. We embark on a journey of discovering how His wisdom produces peace and progress in our lives.

Because of past experiences, we may have parts of ourselves that are fearful or anxious. Lies are built around fear, such as “I am not good enough” or “I am powerless.” God is very good at “binding up our wounds” (Ps.147:3), and He will do just that when invited into our hurting parts. God is an amazing God! He brings the remedy. Every time.

How can we feel the love of God? This happens when we open our hearts in worship, or when we listen to something true about God. We may meditate on Scriptures. When you meditate, I encourage you to speak it out loud and make it personal. We need to experience His love every day. This is what keeps me going. This is what keeps me fresh. And I keep changing because of His love for me.

Cecilie Croissant


Playing it Safe


Rooted in God’s Truth