Never has there been a greater need for female leaders than today. Through our multilevel mentoring program, we train and equip women for ministry and leadership in a variety of areas, including teaching, leading, and lay counseling. 

Hear from other women who have gone through Women in Community’s Mentoring Program and find out how it has richly impacted their lives for the better. Life is not meant to be done alone and you don’t have to figure out the hard things by yourself. Be watching for information on when our next Mentoring Program will be or sign up for our newsletter to get updated information on upcoming events.

To join us for our upcoming Mentoring Program, scroll down for important information and to register.

Thank you for your interest in the Women in Community Mentoring Program! This 8-week group study will ignite you, challenge you, and support you as we dive into the truth of God’s Word in a safe and encouraging environment. You’ll develop relationships with other women who also want God’s best for their lives and will be able to minister to other women as well. We hope you’ll join us!

In order for you to make a fully committed decision to this program at registration, we’d like to share the expectations of the program in advance.

Our next session will be:

Day: Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM
Duration: 8 Weeks
Dates: September 30 – November 18
Location: 51st & Elm Area in East Tulsa/Broken Arrow

You will need to:

  • Register by completing the form and paying the $10.

  • Cost is $10 and includes a PDF of the Mentoring Program Course Outline.

  • Purchase the book: Enjoying the Journey of Transformation by Cecilie Croissant.

    • Cost is approximately $15 and can be ordered via

In order for this program to be optimally effective, we ask that all participants commit to the following:

Prior to week 1 meeting:

  • Watch the “Introduction to Righteousness” message ( and Andrew Wommack’s spirit/soul/body message (

  • Read Enjoying the Journey of Transformation Introduction and Chapter

  • Print, bring a digital copy of, or plan to purchase a printed copy of the Course Outline for $10 at the first meeting. You will receive this via free PDF at registration.


  • Bring your printed or digital copy of the Course Outline.

  • Read/watch all required materials each week and bring typed or handwritten answers to that week’s discussion questions in the Course Outline.

Throughout the course:

  • Attend all 8 sessions either “in-person” or via Zoom per your registration. Please do not request a change mid-session. This creates difficulties in forming intimate groups for discussion and complications with in-person/online space accommodations. Thank you for understanding!

  • At the end of the 8 weeks, all participants who complete the program (a minimum of 7 out of the 8 sessions) will receive a certificate of completion and may apply for the Mentoring Program Step 2 course when it is next offered.

We take your growth and development very seriously as you continue to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and His calling on your life. We believe you do as well and that is why we ask for such a deep commitment to this program. We believe in your value, worth, and calling as women in the Body of Christ and are committed to pour into you and walk alongside you in this journey.

We have observed such transformation in the women who have completed this course and believe that you will experience the same thing as God works in and through you during these 8 weeks. It is definitely a safe place to share honestly, grow, be encouraged, and develop what we have seen become lasting covenant relationships.

If you’d like to join us for this upcoming session, please register below. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

With grateful hearts,

The Women in Community Leaders

What People are Saying About the Mentoring Program

  • "Getting the perspective and take-away from the rest of the group was so helpful."   R.W.

  • "Never before have I had the gospel explained to me so clearly."  T.K. 

  • "Biggest life changer!"  A.H.

  • "I had so many aha moments where I discovered what I had been missing."  R. W.

  • "It was exciting to be discipled and also pour into others."  C. M. 

  • "The interaction was fabulous and clarifying."  R.J.